Friday, May 1, 2015

Florida restaurants are shifting to less expensive liquor licenses!

As any restaurant owner in Florida already knows, the bottom line of the intakes is deeply influenced by the possibility to sell alcohol based drinks to the existing client pool. Regardless if we are referring to a five star establishment serving 45 years old whiskey and Cosmopolitans or the local diner handing clients a martini on the rocks or a cocktail blend with colorful umbrellas, the result is just the same! Huge revenues pour into the cash registers of businesses which have managed to obtain their Florida liquor license and there is nothing but jealousy and small change for their competitors who have not been equally fortunate. In this gloomy scenario where the economy seems to become more and more instable, there is no other hope for the business owners in the sunny state than to get their hands on one of those licenses as soon as possible. And since pursuing the issuing of new permits is a dead end, this task seems easier said than done, but Florida managers have not lost faith yet and we will tell you why. They have adopted a damage minimizing approach to the entire matter and decided that it would be much more profitable to settle for less than to obtain zero, which is logical right? In the world of liquor authorizations, this generally means going for a cheaper, not that pretentious and equally less empowering license which allows them to get some benefits, even if they may not be the full package. Next up, we are about to see what characterizes the less expensive permits and what benefits they can bring to owners so that we can fully understand why the market has shifted so much in their direction. Surely, selling the margaritas on the beach is a dream-come-true for any restaurant manager, but instead of only offering water and soda they are also beginning to settle for giving clients a beer as a substitute. The strategy seems to be working. By increasing revenues in a slow but sure manner, an overall improvement can be visible and a slightly larger profit is more desirable for owners than the same one or, worse, a lowering in sales. One of many problems with obtaining the expensive alcohol selling permits is the restrictions and limitations that this form of license poses. Not to mention the price! For some establishments, it is simply not worth the effort and we cannot blame them. Reaping the extra revenue gets harder when the costs of acquiring the license have already burdened the owners. Taking this into account, it is not hard to understand why several diners and bars all over Southwest Florida have changed their focus towards the more obtainable wine and beer licenses, generating an unprecedented growth in the wine and beer license sector. Statistically speaking, more than 50% of the current wine and beer selling permits have been issued in the last 5 years which is a clear indicator of where the market is aiming and according to specialists, the high level of demand will continue rising. 239-205-4770

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